Anne Harbers
“Enjoying the Ice”, Hendrick Avercamp (1585 Amsterdam – 1634 Kampen), c.1620, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Passionate about art & history
Anne’s enthusiasm and infectious presentation style encourages you to engage with her talks on art history – about artists and the art they created.
Learn more about Anne here.

“I am extremely fascinated and passionate about how a visual object, be it a painting, or a drawing, or a beautiful item of silver or ceramic or textile, connects to us through time and history.
As we delve into the meaning of each creation, we can contemplate its significance in terms of status or the materials it embodies, and experience the enjoyment of connecting through the appreciation of art.
I love to guide the experience of others as they explore and discover history through great art.”
― Anne Harbers
Anne loves to share her passion for great works of art and the artists who created them.
To book a talk, request help or contact her, please use this form. She will get right back to you.