“Fish on the beach at Egmond”, Abraham van Beyeren (1620/21 The Hague – 1690 Overschie). Private collection
Collecting & Access, Ed. Andrea Gáldy
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK
Chapter: His & Her Royal Swedish Collections – the access and advantages of a good publicity channel
The Palgrave Handbook of Women and Science
Ed. by Claire Jones & James Bainbridge, Palgrave
Chapter 19: Queen Lovisa Ulrika of Sweden (1720 –1782): Philosophe and Collector, with A. Gáldy
Women and the Art and Science of Collecting in Eighteenth-Century Europe, Ed. by Arlene Leis and Kacie Wills, Routledge
Chapter 1: Science, Gender and Collecting: The Dutch Eighteenth-Century Ladies’ Society for Physical Sciences of Middelburg, with A. Gáldy
Collecting Prints and Drawings, Ed. Andrea Gáldy
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK
Chapter 15: The Macleay Family of Colonial New South Wales 1767-1891: Public Figures―Private Collectors
Collecting Nature, Eds. Andrea Gáldy & Sylvia Heudecker
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, August, 2014
Chapter 9: Carl Linnaeus and the Natural History Collections of Lovisa Ulrika of Sweden at Drottningholm Palace
Jane Austen – Antipodean Views
Wellington Lane Press, Sydney, 2001, with S. Fullerton
“Writing on Art and Collecting is endlessly fascinating – the research gives insight to individual stories of people who created or owned the art or were motivated to form collections. Writing uncovers the stories that relate to time and place and reason.”
― Anne Harbers
Anne loves to share her passion for great works of art and the artists who created them.
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